Create a new variant

To create a new variant, yo can use :

$ yo toolbox:variant

You will need on which component to attach this variant and what it's name.

File structure

A new .twig file is added to the related component's directory:

├── my-component.scss
├── my-component.twig
├── my-component-secondary.twig   ←
└── my-component.yml

In the YAML file, you can specify as many options as for the main component:

  title: My Component
  name: my-component
  notes: |
    some notes                          ← documentation for the component (markdown)
  wrapper: ".container .bg-dark"
  background: "#f00" 
    - title: My secondary Component     ← Variant title
      name: secondary                   ← Variant slug (without component slug)
      notes: |
        some notes                      ← documentation for the variant (markdown)
      wrapper: ".bg-light"              ← Wrapper Class(es)
      background: "#00f"                ← Background color of the preview box
    - ...

Next steps

Now, you can learn how to use the local toolbox CLI

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