
Toolbox is not only a styleguide generator and a developer tool set, first of all, it's a complete frontend atomic development workflow based on three main modules.

The Generator

generator-toolbox is based on Yeoman and it's used to scaffold your project with your parameters and help you to create new components / variants.

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The Utilities

toolbox-utils is the encapsulated build task module. Based on Gulp and Webpack, those utilities offers you anything you need in your frontend development process in a single dev dependency. It will mainly :

  • serve the styleguide
  • build your project's styles (Sass) and scrips (ES6+) on each save
  • create a SVG icon set based on files
  • help you working with frameworks
  • create the dev and production bundles
  • deploy the styleguide on a gh-pages

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The Reader

Instead of building a static documentation, toolbox-reader will read your component library and display them in a nice and presentable interface. It's a very usefull tool to collaborate with designers, client and other developers. And each time a new feature is added to the reader, any old styleguides will have it directly.

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