
It's a fatherly simple configuration JSON file which describes where are located your project's directories and which libraries you are using.


  "src": "assets/",                                  ← Assets location
  "dest": "build/",                                  ← Build location
  "ghpages": "build/",                               ← gh-pages base directory
  "remote": "",
  "images": [                                        ← Images locations
  "svg": [                                           ← SVG locations
  "icons": [                                         ← Icons locations
  "iconsFontName": "icon",                           ← Icon set nickname
  "fonts": [                                         ← Fonts locations
  "vendors": {
    "css":                                           ← CSS libraries to bundle
    "js": [
      "node_modules/bootstrap/js/dist/util.js"       ← JavaScript libraries to bundle
  "singles": [{                                      ← Single files list to move
    "src": "node_modules/awesomplete/awesomplete.js",
    "dest": "build/js"
  ↓ If you need customs CSS/JS outputs.
  ↓ This will overide the default entry points (
  "bundles": {                                      
    "js": [
        "name": "slider",
        "src": "components/molecules/slider/slider.js"
    "scss": [
        "name": "critical",
        "src": "components/critical.scss"
        "name": "slider",
        "src": "components/molecules/slider/slider.scss"
  "reader_path": "http://localhost/toolbox-env/toolbox-reader/build/static"
  ↑ For local testing or offline only

Next step

Now you can finally start to create your own components.

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