When installed in your local node_modules directory, toolbox-utils offers you basics and advanced commands.

Yarn script

By default, there is already 3 usefull scripts embed in your package.json. They will cover 90% of your needs.

$ yarn start

Will start your local development server with browser auto reload on change, CSS re-injection and live JavaScript warnings.

$ yarn build
# or
$ yarn build styleguide

Will build your project (CSS, JS, images) without or with the styleguide's related files.

$ yarn deploy

Will deploy your styleguide's builds to your Github repository gh-pages.

Other commands

The previous script encapsulate Toolbox's build tasks, but there is times when you will maybe need more specifics commands. Feel free to abstract them in a package.json script to reduce the amount of typing.

$ ./node_modules/.bin/toolbox -T

List all the available Gulp tasks/commands

$ ./node_modules/.bin/toolbox clean

Will remove all built directories and files

$ ./node_modules/.bin/toolbox styles --production

Build Sass files for production

$ ./node_modules/.bin/toolbox scripts --production

Bundle JavaScript files for production

$ ./node_modules/.bin/toolbox vendors

Will bundle the vendors listed in the toolbox.json file.

$ ./node_modules/.bin/toolbox icons

Will build the icons set

$ ./node_modules/.bin/toolbox single

Will copy all the single files listed in the toolbox.json.

$ ./node_modules/.bin/toolbox prepare

Will generate the index.html used by toolbox-reader to render the styleguide.

Next steps

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