Create a new component

To create a new component, yo can use :

$ yo toolbox:generate

You will need to choose what type of component you want and it name in normal cases.

File structure

A component is always inside the assets/components directory, in the corresponding subdirectory (atoms, ...). The name of the directory is important and all files inside should have the same base name.

├── my-component.scss
├── my-component.twig
└── my-component.yml

The SCSS file should contain all the styles related to the component, and only these styles.

The Twig file should contain all the markup for this component

The YAML file is the configuration for this file. It can contain several things:

  title: My Component               ← Component title
  name: my-component                ← Component identifier or slug
  notes: |
    some notes                      ← documentation for the component (markdown)
  wrapper: ".container .bg-dark"    ← Wrapper Class(es)
  background: "#f00"                ← Background color of the preview box
  variants:                         ← Variants list (see "New variant")
    - ...
    - ...

Next steps

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