
Documenting his project is a very important part. To keep things conventional, all the documentation is under the ./docs directory, available to any Github user, but also rendered by toolbox-reader.

You can choose to write documentation using Markdown syntax or in plain HTML (no head/body required). There is no depth limitation in the file structure, but try to keep things simple and understandable.

This is an example of what can your ./docs folder can look like :

└── docs/
    ├──            ← Styleguide's homepage
    ├── typography.html     ← Documentation page
    ├── guidelines/         ← Sub directory
    │   └──         ← Sub documentation page
    └── CI/                 ← Sub directory
        ├──        ← CI directory documentation page
        ├──       ← Sub documentation page
        └── testing.html    ← Sub documentation page

Custom order

By default, toolbox-utils will analyze the directory tree of the ./docs folder and provide a mirrored structure inside the styleguide.

If, for any reason, you want to change the order or keep only certain page, you can add a summary.yml at the root of your ./docs the create manually the structure of your styleguide documentation tab.

For example in our case (see above), ./docs :

- typography.html
- CI:
  - testing.html
- guidelines:

Next step

We are keeping the best for the end, check how to pimp your styleguide.

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